

Makkinarju HOFEN (Shanghai) Co., LTD. , Stabbilita fl-2012, huwa manifattur professjonali involuti fir-riċerka, żvilupp, produzzjoni, bejgħ u servizz ta 'isfel tkopri, azzar teleskopiku tkopri, fardal tkopri u fradal roll up.

Get ISO 9001, SGS u TUV ċertifikat mill-awtentikazzjoni ta 'parti terza. Kienu l-fornitur ta 'DMG u Zeiss aktar minn 5 snin sa issa. Prodotti tagħna huma wkoll esportati lejn klijenti individwali fil-Ġermanja, l-Awstralja u l-Kanada. OEM u ordnijiet ODM huma wkoll milqugħa.

Jekk tagħżel prodott attwali minn katalogu tagħna jew li qed ifittxu assistenza inġinerija għall-applikazzjoni tiegħek, ċentru klijent tas-servizz tagħna huwa disponibbli għall-ħtiġijiet provenjenza tiegħek.

Sample & Mold M: Nista jkollhom ordni ta 'prova jew kampjuni biss għal bosta biċċiet?


A: Of course! Free sample can be provided, you only need to pay for shipping cost.

Q: Can you open mold for us to manufacture new product?


A: Yes! If the quantity is big, our company can afford part of the mold cost.

Delivery time & after-sales service Q: How long is your delivery time?


A: Generally it is 3-5 days if goods are in stock. Or it is 7-30 days if the goods are not in stock, it is according to your quantity.

Q: Can you provide after-sales services?


A: Definitely! 100% before and after-sale service with quality .

Payment Terms Q: What is your terms of payment?


A: T/T (For big order,30-90 days can be acceptable), PayPal, VISA, E-Checking, MasterCard.

About quotation Q: How can I get the quotation?


A: Please send us information for quote: drawing, material, weight, quantity and request,we can accept PDF, ISGS, DWG, STEP file format.

  If you don’t have drawing, please send the sample to us,we can quote base   on your sample too.